Results for 'Sophie E. Bastijn'

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  1.  34
    Genetische Präimplantationsdiagnostik (PGD) in europäischer Perspektive.Sophie E. Bastijn - 1999 - Ethik in der Medizin 11 (1):70-76.
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    Catholic resistance theory: William Barclay versus Jean Boucher.Sophie E. B. Nicholls - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (4):404-418.
    ABSTRACTThis article examines William Barclay's response to Jean Boucher's De Justa Abdicatione Henrici Tertii in view of the complexities of Catholic political thought in this post-Tridentine period. It argues that Barclay's famous category of ‘monarchomach’ is problematic for its avoidance of the issue of confessional difference, and that on questions of the relationship between the respublica and the ecclesia Barclay struggled to find an adequate response to Boucher in his De Regno et Regali Potestate. His De Potestate Papae is treated (...)
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    Goodnight book: sleep consolidation improves word learning via storybooks.Sophie E. Williams & Jessica S. Horst - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Spatial navigation, episodic memory, episodic future thinking, and theory of mind in children with autism spectrum disorder: evidence for impairments in mental simulation?Sophie E. Lind, Dermot M. Bowler & Jacob Raber - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:113592.
    This study explored spatial navigation alongside several other cognitive abilities that are thought to share common underlying neurocognitive mechanisms (e.g., the capacity for self-projection, scene construction, or mental simulation), and which we hypothesised may be impaired in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Twenty intellectually high-functioning children with ASD (with a mean age of ~8 years) were compared to 20 sex, age, IQ, and language ability matched typically developing children on a series of tasks to assess spatial navigation, episodic memory, episodic future (...)
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    Self-referential memory in autism spectrum disorder and typical development: Exploring the ownership effect.Emma Grisdale, Sophie E. Lind, Madeline J. Eacott & David M. Williams - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:133-141.
  6. Metacognition may be more impaired than mindreading in autism.David M. Williams, Sophie E. Lind & Francesca Happé - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2):162-163.
    This commentary focuses on evidence from autism concerning the relation between metacognition and mindreading. We support Carruthers' rejection of models 1 (independent systems) and 3 (metacognition before mindreading), and provide evidence to strengthen his critique. However, we also present evidence from autism that we believe supports model 2 (one mechanism, two modes of access) over model 4 (mindreading is prior).
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    The Effect of Sleep on Children's Word Retention and Generalization.Emma L. Axelsson, Sophie E. Williams & Jessica S. Horst - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Relationships between implicit and explicit uncertainty monitoring and mindreading: Evidence from autism spectrum disorder.Toby Nicholson, David M. Williams, Catherine Grainger, Sophie E. Lind & Peter Carruthers - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 70:11-24.
  9.  52
    Metacognitive monitoring and control processes in children with autism spectrum disorder: Diminished judgement of confidence accuracy.Catherine Grainger, David M. Williams & Sophie E. Lind - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:65-74.
  10.  35
    Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.E. G., Erich Frauwallner, Sophie Francis Kidd & Ernst Steinkellner - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1):225.
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    Heroes against homophobia: does elevation uniquely block homophobia by inhibiting disgust?Sebastian E. Bartoș, Pascale Sophie Russell & Peter Hegarty - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (6):1123-1142.
    Homophobia has decreased in past decades, but gut-level disgust towards gay men lingers. It has been suggested that disgust can be reduced by inducing its proposed opposite emotion, elevation. Rese...
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  12. Mental Causation and Ontology.Sophie Gibb, E. J. Lowe & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.) - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Mental causation has been a hotly disputed topic in recent years, with reductive and non-reductive physicalists vying with each other and with dualists over how to accommodate, or else to challenge, two widely accepted metaphysical principles—the principle of the causal closure of the physical domain and the principle of causal non-overdetermination—which together appear to support reductive physicalism, despite the latter’s lack of intuitive appeal. Current debate about these matters appears to have reached something of an impasse, prompting the question of (...)
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  13. Mental Association Investigated by Experiment.Sophie Bryant, G. F. Stout, F. Y. Edgeworth, E. P. Hughes & C. E. Collet - 1889 - Mind 14 (54):230-250.
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    L'esprit de système au XVIIIe siècle.Sophie Marchand, Élise Pavy-Guilbert & Michel Delon (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Hermann.
    Qu'ont en commun Diderot, D'Alembert et l'abbé de Saint-Pierre? Voisenon et Pluche? Fontenelle et Sade? La Font de Saint-Yenne et Condillac? Casanova et Buffon? Batteux et Barruel? Peu de chose a priori réunit les auteurs qui dialoguent au sein de ce volume, sinon que tous, quel que soit leur domaine de réflexion, ont été amenés durant leur parcours intellectuel à se confronter à la question du système et à se prononcer sur sa nécessité, sa pertinence et sa valeur. A lire (...)
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    Tuning in to Toddlers: Research Protocol and Recruitment for Evaluation of an Emotion Socialization Program for Parents of Toddlers.Sophie S. Havighurst, Christiane E. Kehoe, Ann E. Harley, Ameika M. Johnson, Nicholas B. Allen & Rae L. Thomas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    La finitude peut-elle être positive?: approches steiniennes de la finitude.Éric de Rus & Sophie Binggeli (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Hermann.
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    The Relation of Mathematics to General Formal Logic [with Discussion].Mrs Sophie Bryant, Shadworth H. Hodgson & E. C. Benecke - 1902 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 2:105 - 143.
  18. Mobile Technology Use and Its Association With Executive Functioning in Healthy Young Adults: A Systematic Review.Rachel E. Warsaw, Andrew Jones, Abigail K. Rose, Alice Newton-Fenner, Sophie Alshukri & Suzanne H. Gage - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Screen-based and mobile technology has grown at an unprecedented rate. However, little is understood about whether increased screen-use affects executive functioning, the range of mental processes that aid goal attainment and facilitate the selection of appropriate behaviors. To examine this, a systematic review was conducted.Method: This systematic review is reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using Web of Science, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Scopus databases to identify (...)
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    Does musical enrichment enhance the neural coding of syllables? Neuroscientific interventions and the importance of behavioral data.Samuel Evans, Sophie Meekings, Helen E. Nuttall, Kyle M. Jasmin, Dana Boebinger, Patti Adank & Sophie K. Scott - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Epiphanies: An Ethics of Experience.Sophie Grace Chappell - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Epiphanies is a philosophical exploration of epiphanies, peak experiences, 'wow moments', or ecstasies as they are sometimes called. What are epiphanies, and why do so many people so frequently experience them? Are they just transient phenomena in our brains, or are they the revelations of objective value that they very often seem to be? What do they tell us about the world, and about ourselves? How, if at all, do epiphanies fit in with our moral systems and our theories of (...)
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    Multifaceted targeted protein degradation systems for different cellular compartments.Cornelia E. Zorca, Armaan Fallahi, Sophie Luo & Mohamed A. Eldeeb - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (6):2200008.
    Selective protein degradation maintains cellular homeostasis, but this process is disrupted in many diseases. Targeted protein degradation (TPD) approaches, built upon existing cellular mechanisms, are promising methods for therapeutically regulating protein levels. Here, we review the diverse palette of tools that are now available for doing so throughout the gene expression pathway and in specific cellular compartments. These include methods for directly removing targeted proteins via the ubiquitin proteasome system with proteolysis targeting chimeras (PROTACs) or dephosphorylation targeting chimeras (DEPTACs). Similar (...)
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    Adverse Behavioral Changes in Adult Mice Following Neonatal Repeated Exposure to Pain and Sucrose.Manon Ranger, Sophie Tremblay, Cecil M. Y. Chau, Liisa Holsti, Ruth E. Grunau & Daniel Goldowitz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Éveiller à la pensée: au détour des Grecs.Sophie Klimis - 2021 - Louvain-La-Neuve: PUL, Presses universitaires de Louvain. Edited by Frank Pierobon.
    La philosophie doit-elle, aujourd'hui encore, quelque chose à la langue, à la culture et à la pensée grecques? Sophie Klimis, en s’entretenant avec Frank Pierobon, réfléchit sur ces manières de penser et ces nouvelles formes de vie, inventées en Grèce ancienne, conjointement à l’émergence du projet politique de la démocratie. Elle propose un voyage vers ces temps lointains et toujours inspirants, pour en percevoir les ressources, notamment en montrant comment des dispositifs institutionnels et symboliques – dont ceux du choeur (...)
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    Adaptive Esports for People With Spinal Cord Injury: New Frontiers for Inclusion in Mainstream Sports Performance.Laura Tabacof, Sophie Dewil, Joseph E. Herrera, Mar Cortes & David Putrino - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: People with Spinal Cord Injury are at risk of feeling socially disconnected. Competitive esports present an opportunity for people with SCI to remotely engage in a community. The aim of this study is to discuss barriers to esports participation for people with SCI, present adaptive solutions to these problems, and analyze self-reported changes in social connection.Materials and Methods: We presented a descriptive data collected in the process of a quality improvement initiative at Mount Sinai Hospital. In 2019, seven individuals (...)
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    III.—The Place of Experts in Democracy: A Symposium.Bosanquet Bernard, Bryant Sophie & G. E. T. Boss - 1909 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 9 (1):61-84.
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    Can singular examples change implicit attitudes in the real-world?Leslie E. Roos, Sophie Lebrecht, James W. Tanaka & Michael J. Tarr - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    L'Énigme de l'humain et l'invention de la politique: les racines grecques de la philosophie moderne et contemporaine.Sophie Klimis - 2014 - Louvain-la-Neuve: De Boeck.
    Qu’est-ce qu’une spécialiste de la philosophie grecque peut bien avoir à transmettre à un auditoire de 500 juristes débutant(e)s? Le plaisir de penser, dans la rigueur et l’audace. Le goût foncièrement démocratique pour le débat, c’est-à-dire la nécessité de confronter sa pensée à celle d’autrui, fût-elle sous-tendue par une raison contradictoire. Comment faire? Plutôt qu’un parcours classique dans l’histoire de la philosophie, l’auteur a choisi de construire le cheminement d’une enquête en deux étapes. La première, placée sous le signe d’Oedipe, (...)
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  28. Quelle place pour l'athéisme après le décret sur l'Être suprême du 18 floréal an II?Sophie Wahnich - 2018 - In Louise Ferté & Lucie Rey (eds.), Tolérance, liberté de conscience, laïcité: quelle place pour l'athéisme? Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Le temps à l'oeuvre: sur la pensée d'Emmanuel Levinas.Sophie Galabru - 2020 - Paris: Hermann.
    "La philosophie d'Emmanuel Levinas est souvent présentée comme une philosophie de l'éthique et fut associée à des notions telles que le visage, autrui ou la responsabilité. Or, ces notions peuvent être comprises à partir d'un primat accordé au temps. Levinas propose en effet une philosophie du temps dans un dialogue avec d'autres pensées (Lavelle, Bergson, Rosenzweig, Husserl, Heidegger). Rappelant combien les premiers écrits de Levinas délivrent une philosophie du sujet et de l'instant, l'ouvrage se propose d'expliquer le développement de cette (...)
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  30. Validité et réalité de l'idée de Dieu dans l'usage théorique et pratique de la raison pure.Sophie Grapotte - 2013 - In Robert Theis, Dietmar Hermann Heidemann & Raoul Weicker (eds.), Glaube und Vernunft in der Philosophie der Neuzeit. Festschrift für Robert Theis/Foi et raison dans la philosophie moderne. Recueil en hommage à Robert Theis (Studien und Materialien zur Geschichte der Philosophie 85). Hildesheim: George Olms Verlag.
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    Heidegger aujourd'hui: actualité et postérité de sa pensée de l'événement.Sophie-Jan Arrien & Christian Sommer (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Hermann.
    La réception extraordinairement féconde de Heidegger, singulièrement en France, est entrée dans une phase nouvelle et le moment semble propice pour demander « ce qui est vivant » et « ce qui est mort » dans sa pensée, en interrogeant ses percées réelles comme ses impasses. La publication de l'édition intégrale en 102 volumes touche à sa fin : au-delà de tous les textes publiés du vivant de Heidegger, nous avons désormais à disposition tous les cours de Fribourg et de (...)
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    L'inquiétude de la pensée: l'herméneutique de la vie du jeune Heidegger (1919-1923).Sophie-Jan Arrien - 2014 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Entre 1919 et 1923, Martin Heidegger (1927-1976) caresse le voeu de faire "exploser l'ensemble du système traditionnel des catégories". C'est avant la parution de son maître ouvrage Etre et Temps (1927), qui consacra la "question de l'être" comme fondamentale, tout en ravalant ses propres essais antérieurs au rang de simple propédeutique. En réalité, ces essais de jeunesse recèlent un projet philosophique original et ambitieux. Le jeune philosophe y soupçonne en effet toute conceptualisation de masquer le mouvement de la vie et (...)
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    Direct and indirect influences of executive functions on mathematics achievement.Lucy Cragg, Sarah Keeble, Sophie Richardson, Hannah E. Roome & Camilla Gilmore - 2017 - Cognition 162 (C):12-26.
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  34. Vers un matérialisme animique. Repenser les rapports entre la technique et la nature dans une perspective écologique.Sophie Gosselin - 2023 - In Patrice Bretaudière & Isabelle Krier (eds.), Les matérialistes paradoxaux. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Laurens E. Tacoma, Moving Romans: Migration to Rome in the Principate.Marie-Sophie Caruel - 2020 - Clio 51:309-312.
    Marie-Sophie Caruel Articulé autour de huit chapitres, l’ouvrage de L.E. Tacoma sur les migrations romaines aborde les questions liées au genre aux chapitres sur la famille (chap. 4) et sur le travail (chap. 6). La place faite aux femmes demeure donc relativement modeste et assez conventionnelle même si les apports sur la question ne sauraient être qualifiés de négligeables pour un sujet longtemps en marge des études sur la mobilité. Le cadre théorique proposé dans cet ouvrage est celui d’une...
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  36.  21
    Destinos Cruzados da Fenomenologia e da Hermenêutica em Heidegger.Sophie-Jan Arrien - 2023 - Dois Pontos 20 (1).
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    Testing a Self-Compassion Intervention Among Job Seekers: Self-Compassion Beneficially Impacts Affect Through Reduced Self-Criticism.Loes M. Kreemers, Edwin A. J. van Hooft, Annelies E. M. van Vianen & Sophie C. M. de Zilwa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Testing a Self-Compassion Intervention Among Job Seekers: Self-Compassion Beneficially Impacts Affect Through Reduced Self-Criticism.Loes M. Kreemers, Edwin A. J. van Hooft, Annelies E. M. van Vianen & Sophie C. M. Sisouw de Zilwa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Person‐specific evidence has the ability to mobilize relational capacity: A four‐step grounded theory developed in people with long‐term health conditions.Vibeke Zoffmann, Rikke Jørgensen, Marit Graue, Sigrid Normann Biener, Anna Lena Brorsson, Cecilie Holm Christiansen, Mette Due-Christensen, Helle Enggaard, Jeanette Finderup, Josephine Haas, Gitte Reventlov Husted, Maja Tornøe Johansen, Katja Lisa Kanne, Beate-Christin Hope Kolltveit, Katrine Wegmann Krogslund, Silje S. Lie, Anna Olinder Lindholm, Emilie H. S. Marqvorsen, Anne Sophie Mathiesen, Mette Linnet Olesen, Bodil Rasmussen, Mette Juel Rothmann, Susan Munch Simonsen, Sara Huld Sveinsdóttir Tackie, Lise Bjerrum Thisted, Trang Minh Tran, Janne Weis & Marit Kirkevold - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12555.
    Person‐specific evidence was developed as a grounded theory by analyzing 20 selected case descriptions from interventions using the guided self‐determination method with people with various long‐term health conditions. It explains the mechanisms of mobilizing relational capacity by including person‐specific evidence in shared decision‐making. Person‐specific self‐insight was the first step, achieved as individuals completed reflection sheets enabling them to clarify their personal values and identify actions or omissions related to self‐management challenges. This step paved the way for sharing these insights and (...)
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    La vulgarisation scientifique au croisement de nouvelles sphères d'activité langagière.Sophie Moirand, Sandrine Reboul-Touré & Michele Pordeus Ribeiro - 2016 - Bakhtiniana 11 (2):137-161.
    RESUME Dans cet article, on aborde le champ de la vulgarisation scientifique en mettant l'accent sur les différentes sphères d'activité langagière qui s'y croisent. On rappelle d'abord le modèle classique et linéaire de la diffusion scientifique avant de montrer le déplacement qui s'est ensuite produit avec l'intervention des médias traditionnels, qui, notamment lors d'événements scientifiques, ont fait dialoguer différentes communautés langagières. On aborde enfin les changements apportés par les nouveaux outils technologiques dans des formes de participation et de prise de (...)
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    Responding to second‐order reasons.Sophie Keeling - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (3):799-818.
    A rich literature has discussed what it is to respond to a reason, e.g., to believe or act on the basis of some consideration or another. In comparison, what it would be to respond to a second‐order reason has been underexplored. Yet formulating an account of this is vital for maintaining the existence of second‐order reasons in both the practical and epistemic domains. And indeed, there are reasons to doubt this is possible. For example, responding to second‐order reasons is meant (...)
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    Albert le Grand et les Albertistes du XVe siècle. Le problème des universaux.Sophie Włodek - 1981 - In Albert Zimmermann (ed.), Albert der Große: Seine Zeit, Sein Werk, Seine Wirkung. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 193-207.
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    Mothering against motherhood: doula work, xenohospitality and the idea of the momrade.Sophie A. Lewis - 2023 - Feminist Theory 24 (1):68-85.
    Today, a new vein of queer Marxist-feminist family-abolitionist theorising is reviving contemporary feminists’ willingness to imagine, politically, what women's liberationists in the 1970s called ‘mothering against motherhood’. Concurrently, the jokey portmanteau ‘momrade’, i.e. mom + comrade, has circulated persistently in the twenty-first century on online forums maintained by communities of mothers and/or leftists. This article asks: what if, in the name of abolishing the family, we took the joke entirely seriously? What makes a ‘mom’ a ‘momrade’, or vice versa? In (...)
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  44. Facts, norms and expected utility functions.Sophie Jallais, Pierre-Charles Pradier & David Teira - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (2):45-62.
    In this article we explore an argumentative pattern that provides a normative justification for expected utility functions grounded on empirical evidence, showing how it worked in three different episodes of their development. The argument claims that we should prudentially maximize our expected utility since this is the criterion effectively applied by those who are considered wisest in making risky choices (be it gamblers or businessmen). Yet, to justify the adoption of this rule, it should be proven that this is empirically (...)
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    Personal Value Preferences, Threat-Benefit Appraisal of Immigrants and Levels of Social Contact: Looking Through the Lens of the Stereotype Content Model.Sophie D. Walsh & Eugene Tartakovsky - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The study examines a model proposing relationships between personal values, positive (i.e., benefits) and negative (i.e., threats) appraisal of immigrants, and social contact. Based on a values-attitudes-behavior paradigm, the study extends previous work on personal values and attitudes to immigrants by examining not only negative but also positive appraisal and their connection with social contact with immigrants. Using a representative sample of 1,600 adults in the majority population in Israel, results showed that higher preference for anxiety-avoidance values (self-enhancement and conservation) (...)
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  46. Democratie comme forme de vie versus democratie comme regime: une fausse antinomie?Sophie Klimis - 2022 - Dissertatio:25-49.
    Para alguns, o abandono por parte de Castoriadis, no início dos anos 1970, da ideia de que o proletariado, como “classe”, seria o agente da revolução socialista, teria marcado o fim da sua filosofia militante e uma guinada a uma atividade estritamente intelectual. Contrariamente a essa crítica, Castoriadis redefinirá, a partir dos anos 1980, o campo e o objeto revolucionário como projeto de autonomia, no qual incluirá a prática pedagógica e psicanalítica. É a partir desse solo que o filósofo pensará (...)
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    Une vue d’ensemble inédite de la physique et de l’ontologie oresmiennes.Sophie Serra - 2014 - Quaestio 14:344-348.
    Nicole Oresme, Questiones super Physicam, edited by S. Caroti / J. Celeyrette / S. Kirschner / E. Mazet, E.J. Brill, Leiden-Boston 2013.
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    Phoneme‐Order Encoding During Spoken Word Recognition: A Priming Investigation.Sophie Dufour & Jonathan Grainger - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (10):e12785.
    In three experiments, we examined priming effects where primes were formed by transposing the first and last phoneme of tri‐phonemic target words (e.g., /byt/ as a prime for /tyb/). Auditory lexical decisions were found not to be sensitive to this transposed‐phoneme priming manipulation in long‐term priming (Experiment 1), with primes and targets presented in two separated blocks of stimuli and with unrelated primes used as control condition (/mul/‐/tyb/), while a long‐term repetition priming effect was observed (/tyb/‐/tyb/). However, a clear transposed‐phoneme (...)
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    Equilibrium in the Balance: A Study of Psychological Explanation.Sophie Haroutunian - 2011 - Springer.
    For some time now, the study of cognitive development has been far and away the most active discipline within developmental psychology. Although there would be much disagreement as to the exact proportion of papers published in develop mental journals that could be considered cognitive, 50% seems like a conservative estimate. Hence, a series of scholarly books devoted to work in cognitive devel opment is especially appropriate at this time. The Springer Series in Cognitive Development contains two basic types of books, (...)
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    Judaïsme et paganisme chez Cohen, Rosenzweig et Levinas.Sophie Nordmann - 2007 - Archives de Philosophie 2 (2):227-247.
    Cet article met en évidence la manière dont H. Cohen, F. Rosenzweig et E. Levinas inaugurent, dans un même geste spéculatif, une forme nouvelle de « philosophie de la religion », où la religion ne constitue plus seulement un objet, mais un moteur de la rationalité philosophique. Chez chacun d’eux, ce geste passe par l’opposition du paganisme et du judaïsme, qui se prolonge dans l’opposition entre une tradition philosophique enfermée dans l’immanence, et une forme de rationalité philosophique nouvelle, qui s’ouvre (...)
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